All category-1 category-2 category-3 category-4 AirJaldiConnectivity for rural areasCentral Tibetan Administration (CTA)Official Logo and StationeryChaitealatte – Font mit SchattenIndian Spiced FontDeutsche Oper BerlinCampaign for the season 2017/18Spielerisches AlphabetCustom-made eclectic alphabetAusstellungenYearly “Werkschau” in BerlinFreie GrafikIllustration and printsGewaltFreiheit TibetExhibition and TheaterNorbulingkaPreserving Tibetan CulturePsyleidoscopeA psychedelic fontSwim – Font mit GlitchTypeface inspired by waterDas Tibet MuseumMuseum Design in IndiaTibArmyTravelling ExhibitionWhite Crane FilmsFilmmakers and FestivalAnimauxtiereBeastly fun lettersWe'd love to hear about your project.Start Now
Connectivity for rural areas
Official Logo and Stationery
Indian Spiced Font
Campaign for the season 2017/18
Custom-made eclectic alphabet
Yearly “Werkschau” in Berlin
Illustration and prints
Exhibition and Theater
Preserving Tibetan Culture
A psychedelic font
Typeface inspired by water
Museum Design in India
Travelling Exhibition
Filmmakers and Festival
Beastly fun letters